Indonesian Association for Hydraulic Engineers (IAHE)
Himpunan Ahli Teknik Hidraulik Indonesia (HATHI)

Upcoming Event

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The world to date is facing global challenges, a few to mention, among others, population growth, climate change, and sustainable development. In the next 12 years, the world population will increase by another 1 billion, creating escalated demand for food, water, energy, and economic growth. Therefore, food production should increase by 70 percent by 2050. On the contrary, the loss of cropland, conversion of water from rural to urban, and aquifer depletion are intermingled in achieving the target. At the same time, a variety of climate change impacts must be considered. Global water withdrawals have tripled over the last 30 years and will need 40 percent more by 2030. Hence, more sustainable development should occur, producing more with fewer resources, especially water. The challenges are interdependent, improving one aspect makes it easier to solve others. A much broader collaborative and integrated water resources development and management is necessary to provide all social and economic development needs without leaving environmental requirements behind. In addition, escalating water-related disasters require active preparedness, and risk reduction methodologies must be established. New technologies and a better approach to managing water demands and providing water supplies should also occur. An advancement in water resources management is inevitable to cope with the growing global challenges. The Indonesian Association of Hydraulic Engineers (HATHI) is one of the country’s most prominent and leading professional organizations. Together with The Directorate General of Water Resources, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, the Republic of Indonesia, and the Provincial Government of Jakarta is proudly inviting scientists, practitioners, and professionals to share their thought, knowledge, and experience in the 8th Hydraulic Engineering International Seminar (HEIS-8). The HEIS-8 is also related and a part of the supports of the event of 10th World Water Forum to be held in Bali in 2024.

“Water Actions Towards Climate Resilience, Green Economy and Sustainable Development”

Sub themes

  • Subsets of Green Growth-based Water Resources Development

Principles and best practices of Eco hydraulics, Nature-based Solution of Water Resources Development, Water for human and natural life.

  • Management Strategy of Water Resources-related Infrastructures to anticipate the Climate

Water action strategy as effected by hydro meteorological uncertainties, reservoir release and its compatibility with climate uncertainties, Hydraulic infrastructure development towards community resilience and welfare.

  • Forecasting and Nowcasting System of Water Resources-related Extreme Phenomena, its Impacts, and the Mitigation

Role and necessity of proper application of IT in water and sediment related disasters mitigation, Realtime monitoring-based hydraulic structure for water disaster mitigation collaborative and economic based management of hydro informatic system.

  • To provide an opportunity for scientists, practitioners, and professionals to gain a better understanding of the advancement of water resources management.
  • To provide a forum for experts to exchange knowledge, thought, and experience in managing water resources to cope with global challenges,
  • To provide a similar platform for participants to establish a network in the field of water resources development and management.

The seminar is expected to gather 500 participants from local, regional, and international water and related communities. The participants consist of academicians, researchers, practitioner, and professionals including water managers and decision makers from Indonesia and other countries.

The seminar is organized by Indonesian Association for Hydraulic Engineers (HATHI) in cooperation with:

– Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing

– Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta

– Universitas Tarumanagara


Ir. Bob Arthur Lombogia, M.Si.


Dr. Ir. RR. Bambang Heri Mulyono, M.Si

1. Prof. Robertus Wahyudi Triweko (Universitas Parahyangan, Indonesia)

2. Prof. Indratmo Soekarno (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)

3. Prof. Pitojo Tri Juwono (UB, Indonesia)

4. Dr. Yong-deok Cho (Secretary General of AWC)

5. Prof. Fujita Masaharu (Kyoto Universiy, Japan)

6. Prof. Daizo Tsutsumi (Mie University, Japan)

7. Prof. Xie Yuebo (Hohai University, China)

8. Prof. D.S. Arya (IIT Roorkee, India)

9. Prof. Agustinus Purna Irawan (Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia)

10. Prof. Sofia W. Alisjahbana (Universitas Bakrie, Indonesia)

Chief Editor:

Ir. Albert Wicaksono, ST., MT., Ph.D


  1. Dr. Juliastuti, ST., MT. (Secretary)
  2. Dr. Roby Hambali, S.T., M.Eng.
  3. Dr. Muhammad Ramdhan Olii, S.T., M.Eng.
  4. Stephen Sanjaya, ST., MSc.
  5. Finna Fitriana, ST., MS
  6. Dr. Mahendra Andiek Maulana
  7. Retno Utami Agung Wiyono, ST., M.Eng., PhD.
  8. Endita Prima Ari Pratiwi, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.
  9. Vempi Satriya Adi Hendrawan, S.T., M.Env., Ph.D.
  10. Tursina, S.T., M.T.
  11. Elisabeth Veronika Wambrauw, S.T., M.T., Ph.D
  12. Dr. Ir. Wati A. Pranoto, MT.
  13. Dr. Heri Suprapto, ST., MT
  14. Wahyu Sejati, ST., MT.
  15. Ika Sari Damayanthi Sebayang, ST., MT.
  1. Prof. Djoko Legono (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
  2. Doddi Yudianto, ST., MSc., Ph.D. (Universitas Parahyangan, Indonesia)
  3. Dr. Ismail Widadi, ST., MSc. (HATHI, Indonesia)
  4. Dr. Moch. Amron (INA-WP, Indonesia)
  5. Prof. Budi S. Wignyosukarto (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
  6. Prof. Radianta Triatmadja (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
  7. Prof. Denik Sri Krisnayanti (Universitas Nusa Cendana, Indonesia)
  8. Dr. Yu-Shiu Chen (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
  9. Dr. FX. Suryadi (IHE Delft, the Netherlands)
  10. Dr. Yutaka Gonda (Niigata University, Japan)
  11. Dr. Meg Bahadur Bishwakarma (Hydro Lab Pvt. Ltd., Lalitpur, Nepal)
  12. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Mulia Perwira Tarigan, MSc. (Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia)
  13. Dr. Tech. Umboro Lasminto (Institut Teknologi Surabaya 10 November, Indonesia)
  14. Ir. Dhemi Harlan, ST. MT., MS., Ph.D (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)
  15. Ir. Joko Nugroho, ST., MT., Ph.D. (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)
  16. Dr. Eng. Mohamad Adhiraga Pratama, ST. MT. (Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia)
  17. Dr. Ing. Bobby Minola Ginting (Universitas Parahyangan, Indonesia)
  18. Dr. Gusfan Halik, ST. MT. (Universitas Negeri Jember, Indonesia)
  19. Dr. Ir. Dinar Catur Istiyanto, M.Eng. (BRIN, Indonesia)
  20. Dr. Benazir, S.T., M.Eng. (Universitas Gajah Mada, Indonesia)
  21. Dr. Evi Anggraheni, S.T., M.T., PMa-SDA (Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia)
  22. Dr. Ir. Wati A. Pranoto, MT. (Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia)

15 May 2023         : Commencement of Call for Full Papers

15 September 2023 : Deadline for Full Paper Submission (Phase I)

30 September 2023 : Announcement of Full Paper Acceptance (Phase I)

15 October 2023     : Deadline for Full Paper Improvement

20 October 2023 : Announcement of Full Paper Acceptance (Phase II)

The paper must be submitted through https://www.morressier.com/call-for-papers/6470b99726e8a3001393462f as a PDF file with total page numbers between 8-12 pages, not larger than 30MB, and use the IOP Conference Template that can be downloaded from https://heis.hathi.id/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/JPCSExampleWordDocument.docx.

For all accepted papers, the organizer provides an opportunity to publish the paper in the IOP Conference Proceedings (SCOPUS-indexed).

Registration and uploading receipt of payment can be carried out through the link https://heis.hathi.id/?page_id=246

Auditorium Tarumanagara University

Jl. S. Parman No. 21 Jakarta

November 24-25, 2023

Hotel Ciputra Jakarta

Jl. Letjend. S. Parman, Jakarta Barat 11470

Tlp: (62-21) 566 0640

Email: mailjkt@hotelciputra.com

(Reservation can be made through the Hotel)

Friday, 24 November 2023

08.00 – 17.00    : Registration

09.00 – 16.00    : Field Trip

18.00 – 19.00     : Opening Ceremony

19.00 – 22.00    : Welcome Dinner

Saturday, 25 November 2023

08.30 – 10.00    : Keynote Speech (Plenary Session)

10.00 – 10.15       : Coffee Break

10.15 – 13.00       : 1st Session

13.00 – 14.00      : Lunch

14.00 – 16.00     : 2nd Session

16.00 – 16.15       : Coffee Break

16.15 – 18.00       : 3rd Session

18.00 – 19.30      : Closing Ceremony, Dinner

InternationalUSD 300
National (Non HATHI Members)
AuthorRp 3.000.000,-
Co-AuthorRp 1.250.000,-
Non Author/Co-AuthorRp 1.250.000,-
National (HATHI Members)
AuthorRp 2.750.000,-
Co-AuthorRp 1.000.000,-
Non Author/Co-AuthorRp 1.000.000,-
The fee covers access to the Venue, Seminar Kit, and Certificate

A field trip would be conducted to visit Ciawi and Sukamahi Dam in Bogor Regency. Accompanying programs would be conducted to visit several cultural and heritage areas of the capital city of Jakarta, including the Kota Tua.

The field trip fee is USD 100/person and Rp. 500.000,-/person for foreigners and Indonesians respectively, so does the accompanying program fee.

All payments shall be made to:

BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia)

Branch: BNI Melawai Raya – Swift code: BNINIDJA

Account holder: Himpunan Ahli Teknik Hidraulik Indonesia

Account Number: 6123456675 for IDR and 6123456799 for USD

(Please send us your receipt of payment through https://heis.hathi.id/?page_id=246)


Gedung Dit. Jend. SDA Lantai 8, Kementerian PUPR

Jl. Pattimura No. 20 Kebayoran Baru

Jakarta 12110 – Indonesia

Telp./Fax. : 62-21.7279 2263, E-mal: hathi.pusat@gmail.com

For International Participants: Doddi (+62 878 0217 1907)

For Local Participants: Indah (+62 813 10973401)

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